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Advertising is a powerful tool that can help you attract customers, inform them about your products and build customer trust. Most companies use some type of advertisement to help them promote their products or services.

Advertise Your Local Business

Generate more leads,  optimize your online presence.

Invest in digital marketing and business branding. 

Advertising is important because it can drive business growth. Advertising works to amplify your small business marketing efforts and helps you reach the right audience with positive, targeted messaging that converts potential customers into paying customers.

Local advertising is an essential element of a larger marketing strategy for small businesses, as it can get your brand in front of a broader local audience that are likely to patronize your business in the near future. But what can you do as an entrepreneur to improve your small business’s reach with a local audience and attracts more tourists? 

Let Tanay Directory helps you convert leads into customers who might realistically purchase your product or service at any time.

Meet your customers where they come to connect.

People connect on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and WhatsApp every day. YOUR ADS can show up as people are exploring what they’re interested in, so making a connection with your business is super easy, effective and powerful.

More options to choose from

You can make your online presence more with Tanay Directory’s Classified Ads, as we help you generate more leads through search engine optimization.

We will design responsive posters, tarpaulins and banners to attract more viewers turned customers. These designs can be uploaded to your social media accounts, your own website and to your email marketing needs.

Video advertisements help consumers understand your product or service easily. It’s not only to find new customers and increase sales but also overall consumer satisfaction. Videos are short, easily-digestible and quite often, entertaining.

We will write  informative and engaging articles to help you showcase your products. We will write a content responsible for creating the best possible written or visual infographics, from blog posts to press releases.