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More finds at its finest.

Join the Local Business Network Today, and get access to all your listing advantages and take pride to work on with your business the way Tanay has more to share and offer.

Reach New Customers

Over 10,000 passionate consumers and tourists are willing to patronize our local businesses, and your subscription to Tanay Directory gives you the exclusive access to market your product and services, get more exposures while showcasing them online.  






Stand out as a business or community of change. Take pride in doing what’s right for our people, planet, and profit. Sustainability is a winning masterpiece.

Let’s work together to inspire positive change and build a better future, our partnership has the power to impact everyone we are connected to.

Create an exclusive impact  Optimizing your local exposure and earning our trusted seal as fully certified Local Business Network of Partners.

Tanay Directory embraces change, innovation, and the pursuit of excellence as we navigate our path with a commitment to local growth and global integration.

This Week’s Spotlight



From a hustle and bustle city-life, for that much-needed relief from the daily grind, come visit our “Sea of Clouds” at the countryside. There are a number of campsites and resorts having majestic views of sea of clouds sites. Check our listings and booking for more details.

Magnify Your Impact

As you strive to expand your business, regardless of its size, we are dedicated to bringing about transformative change within our local business community. Tanay Directory is equipped with built-in mechanisms that have a significant impact on promoting sustainability, making it the perfect platform to showcase the achievements of Micro, Small, and Medium Entrepreneurs (MSMEs) at this opportune moment.

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Tanay Directory is committed of bringing social change and creating impact particularly for the small business to stand out. The consumer’s faith is evidently strong where 85% say they’re more committed to supporting Small Businesses or the Micro Small and Medium Enterprise (MSMEs).

FREE Training and Seminars

In order to successfully implement Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in our municipality, Tanay Directory partners and collaborates with government organizations like DTI, TESDA, Cooperative Development Authority (CDA), the Local Government of Tanay (LGU), and other important players from the private sector by providing FREE TRAINING & SEMINARS.

Since MSMEs are essential for our country’s economic development, particularly in promoting growth, employment, and revenue, they have served as the foundation of the Philippine economy. The government’s continued implementation of its economic strategy shows that it understands the significance of MSMEs to our nation. With this objective in hand, it is crucial to take effective and efficient measures, such as implementing policy provisions, to carry out the plans in addressing and sustaining your local business.

Our Partners

Get 50% Discount Coupons to All Three (3) Membership Packages! 

Para sa mga Small Businesses at On-Call Services, pwedeng mag-simula sa MSME BASIC,  mag-try sa 60 DAYS “FREE TRIAL” or mag-avail at enjoy na sa Two (2) Years Listing Promo and get the succeeding 3rd Year absolutely FREE! 

What Our Partners Says